by Dave Kahle | Sep 20, 2016 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales practices & strategies
Good time management for sales people has been an obsession of mine for more than 30 years. In the last decade, I’ve been involved in helping tens of thousands of sales people improve their results through more effective use of their time. Over the years, I’ve seen...
by Dave Kahle | Sep 10, 2016 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales practices & strategies
Building rapport with customers is like squirting oil into gears. Imagine some gears grinding together. When you squirt lubricating oil into the gears, you reduce the friction and make everything work smoother. So it is when two people interact with each other....
by Dave Kahle | Sep 1, 2016 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales Force Issues, Sales practices & strategies
Better Sales Questions Focus, focus, focus. That’s the phrase that I find myself repeating constantly in every sales seminar that I present. I believe focus is the greatest challenge for sales people today, and the greatest single solution to their challenges. ...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 30, 2016 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales Force Issues, Sales practices & strategies
“My customers don’t have as much time to spend with me as they used to.” That’s a comment I’m hearing more frequently in my sales seminars. It’s a growing phenomenon. Your customers used to be able to spend more time with you. But...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 5, 2016 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales Force Issues, Sales practices & strategies
All too often, sales people are directed by the urgencies of the moment: A lead pops up, a customer calls with a problem, or some paperwork needs your attention. They find themselves busily pursuing an agenda created by other people. They are busy, but too often...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 26, 2015 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales practices & strategies
The world is full of sales people who claim, quite proudly, to have great relationships with their customers. If that were true, it really would be great. But unfortunately, “great relationships” is too often a veil that sales people hide behind to keep from...