by Dave Kahle | Jun 14, 2016 | Professional B2B salespeople, Sales practices & strategies
A study of the behavioral characteristics of the best sales people was published a few years ago. One of the not-so-surprising conclusions was this: The best sales people “listen more constructively” than their more average counterparts. What does it mean to “listen...
by Dave Kahle | May 26, 2016 | Professional B2B salespeople, Sales practices & strategies
Focus, focus, focus. That’s the phrase that I find myself repeating constantly in every sales seminar that I present. I believe focus is the greatest challenge for sales people today, and the greatest single solution to their challenges. There are so many demands...
by Dave Kahle | Jul 31, 2015 | Professional B2B salespeople, Sales Managers/Sales Leaders
Q. I agree with your position that sales people should set goals for improving themselves every month. As a sales manager, can you give me a more specific idea of what kind of goals I should be insisting that they develop? A. Sure. This is one of my hot buttons. I...
by Dave Kahle | Jul 2, 2015 | Professional B2B salespeople, Sales practices & strategies
By Dave Kahle “I wish my people were more professional,” executives and managers often commiserate to me. Even with those who don’t voice it, that unspoken yearning often hovers just-under-the-surface of their conversation. Ah, if only the people around us were more...