by Dave Kahle | May 24, 2018 | Sales Managers/Sales Leaders, Uncategorized
Sales Leaders need to communicate expectations of their sales persons directly to them. It should not be a secret. It should also not be a matter of negotiation. If you have not given clear and specific expectations, the sales people will default to what feels...
by Dave Kahle | Apr 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Sales Leader’s Q & A: Fair Compensation?...
by Dave Kahle | Jun 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
by Dave Kahle | May 27, 2017 | Personal Improvement, Professional B2B salespeople, Sales Managers/Sales Leaders, Sales practices & strategies
The world is full of B2B sales people who claim, quite proudly, to have great relationships with their customers. If that were true, it really would be great. But unfortunately, “great relationships” is too often a veil that sales people hide behind to keep from...
by Dave Kahle | May 11, 2017 | Professional B2B salespeople, Sales Force Issues, Sales Managers/Sales Leaders
Whether you are a small business person, or a professional sales person, you can utilize a powerful strategy to take your sales performance to dramatically higher levels — leverage. Leverage revolves around the idea of multiplying the effects of some effort. ...