Establish a Culture of Continuous Sales Growth with Dave Kahle’s Immersion!
You knew all the Best Practices of the best sales companies?
You could dramatically increase your sales, gross margins, and market share?
You could have your own personal sales guru and become an expert?
Immersion DISTRIBUTOR Sales System Enrollment
Enroll your Sales Managers and Sales People in the Dave Kahle
Distributor Sales System Immersion Program.
Immersion B2B Sales System Enrollment
Enroll your Sales Managers and Sales People in the Dave Kahle
B2B Sales System Immersion Program.
Immersion FAQ
Answer: We have a system to allow the sales person to review the previous material and catch up with the team.
Answer: At the end of that month, your billing will be adjusted to remove the sales person, so you won’t pay for someone who isn’t there.
Answer: The AEF meetings are crucial to the success of the program. We have 30 years’ experience training sales people, and have concluded that you, the sales manager, must be involved if you are going to see significant positive changes and a return on investment. If you don’t intend to have the regular meetings, we suggest you do not purchase the program.
Answer: While we can’t guarantee that every sales person will be motivated to learn, we have stacked the deck to encourage that. If your sales people aren’t yet perfect, they have room to grow. The content is so powerful and practical that they will be challenged to do things they have never done before and improve in ways that they have never considered before.
Absolutely. Click the button below “Contact Us to Learn More”, and we’ll schedule a phone call to discuss it.
Answer: Just let us know. You can cancel at any time, effective at the end of the month in which you notify us.
7. What kind of time commitment is required for this course?
For sales people, 2-3 hours per month; for the sales managers, a minimum of 1 hour per month. Here’s the detail for the sales people: The 1st week of every month, there’s a video lesson which is approximately 60 minutes. After the 1st week there is a podcast or a blog post which is approximately 10 minutes. Sales people are expected to implement the practices taught, which shouldn’t take any additional time. Finally, once per month there is a meeting that we script for you which is approximately 60 minutes.
8. When does the course start and finish?
We can start the course on any date of your choosing. Since it runs in 4-week cycles, we prefer to start it the first week of the month, but we will accommodate what is most convenient for you.
9. Sixteen months seems like a long time?
Very early in the process the sales team becomes accustomed to the routines established in the program. Investing time in improving themselves becomes a regular part of their routines, in the same way as a regular sales meeting. This establishment of a culture of continuous improvement is a powerful side benefit of the training. About half of our clients take on the Sales Excellence program (which is 24 months long) after they complete the Selling System training. So, what looks like a major commitment at the beginning quickly morphs into a regular part of the company culture.
We’ll help You become a Sales Distribution Hero!
We’ve done it with 1000’s of VPs and Sales Managers…
“Immersion is bringing consistency to our sales teams company wide. Before Immersion, every group was doing their own thing, in their own way… but now we have unification. We have the Immersion conference calls each month where we get to speak with other sales professionals that we don’t see on a regular basis – and we realize that Immersion is relevant as we are experiencing the same obstacles, day in and day out. Immersion brings the Sales Managers and Sales Persons together, in a way that fosters great communication. We’re able to ascertain and articulate our best practices and what works / what doesn’t work. We can have all these different personalities in the room and yet, we can all implement what Dave Kahle brings to the table. Our company has tried a lot of different development and a lot of different approaches over the years; this is the one training that has really had a positive impact. Everyone is embracing it. “
– Kellie Kenniston, Sales Manager
“Dave does a good job with the what, the where, the when, and the who – but what’s really valuable is that he does a fantastic job helping my team understand THE WHY. That is helping them create some very valuable logical connections about what we are trying to accomplish. It’s really helped us to carve time to continually: Plan > View > Adjust. Then Immersion gives us these triggers that help us go back, think about this again, and then Re-plan, Re-view, and Re-adjust – that’s where we really see benefit. This helps us ensure that we keep our initiatives front and center and helps us to make sure to do the things that we need to get done. During the Immersion meetings, I integrate our goals and numbers, and the Immersion training, from the previous month and the upcoming month. We are very scorecard driven and use those numbers in combination with the upcoming month’s Immersion training. How did we do with last month’s numbers, what can we implement from the previous month’s training, what are our goals for next month’s numbers, and how do we integrate the upcoming Immersion development to hit those numbers.”
– Scott Eisenmann, Sales Manager
“Previous trainings we did often had lessons with 3-hour videos where we were listening to a talking head. But with Immersion the content is broken down into easily digestible steps. This development has enabled us to brining all our branches into the fold – that has been amazing. This is truly helping to build the team and to build cooperation. There was separation before. Many of our employees have been with us 30 and 40 years. They’ve seen things come and go. We had sales and operations silos and it was causing team problems and accountability / motivation problems. Dave’s training sped up the whole process of integrating and building our teams. The managers are very engaged and sharing professional wisdom that is building and helping the whole team. Immersion gives managers a platform to share valuable insights with each other such as: how to deal with other managers, how to lead subordinates, and it’s also giving us the platform for information sharing and knowing what is going on in the whole company. Immersion is great and I want to extend it deeper into our company.”
– Bob Lewis, Sales Manager
“Immersion is really forcing us to step back and look at our approach to sales. Where most of us a had a shotgun splatter approach (make contact with as many people as possible and hopefully converting a good percentage), this is a much more focused approach. As a result of Dave’s training, we are analyzing accounts, looking at which ones spend, which ones have potential for growth, highlighting smaller accounts with great future potential … this is teaching us how to refocus our outside staff on the right things in order to grow our business. Now we are really being strategic about how we spend our time, and who we spend it with. I also like the step by step nature and the obvious building blocks that Immersion uses. Immersion makes our progression very evident, and does this in a very connected and thorough way. I think this training is great. When I speak with other managers using Immersion, I can really hear their enthusiasm for all their successes from the training. It is very well received and really starting to pay dividends. This has been the perfect program for us and I’m so glad we invested in this development.”
– Adam Weiser, Sales Manager
“Culture is changing dramatically and it’s really affecting our business model, and the way we need to adapt our business. Dave’s teachings are very practical. What really shines through is the way the managers and sales persons are brought together in collaboration. They are really working together to apply the training in ways that are yielding results. As we go through Immersion — there is a dynamic that goes beyond the lessons… because people are giving input to each other and sharing real life experiences — what’s working, and what’s not working. Immersion empowers creative problem solving and motivation. Our company is really coming together through this and it’s giving us the ability to carry our messaging throughout the entire company. I’m an extension of the ownership and the culture we want to create — and I can’t do it alone. Having someone like Dave Kahle on my side is invaluable. “
– Brian Balasko, Vice President of Sales
“I really like the structure that Immersion provide for my TSMs. This is very valuable for newer salespersons, but also for those with decades of experience. Immersion really gives my team practical tools to plan their days. Who to call on, who to target, how to get those targets in their sights, what to do, how to measure – Immersion gives my team great structure so they can set metrics and reach those goals. This has been real positive for my people.”
– Scott Helms, Sales Manager
“My team works with all levels of clientele, and we’ve really changed the vocabulary we use with our customers – and have redefined ourselves based on Dave Kahle’s Immersion system. We literally have a system now, that everybody can manage growth with. This has worked out great. We’ve defined the roles of everyone that works here and as a result we have improved and deepened the relationships with our customers. Regarding those gray areas we have to navigate such as: how to set goals, how to categorize customers and prospects, and how to set agendas – Immersion has been an incredible tool to accomplish this. We’re getting great feedback from everyone in Dave’s program, and the sales people are finding it very helpful. Immersion has given them the ability to ascertain areas they can improve in, and then giving them the necessary tools to develop their individual skills.”
– Tyler Copeland, Sales Manager
“It’s astonishing how much I learn from each lesson in Immersion, and it’s also amazing to see how much my sales persons are learning. There’s so much to grasp, but it’s fun, and the time flies by. Immersion has a lot of good structure and enough repetition to help us practically implement everything we learn. When I lead the monthly Immersion meeting, I really think through the best questions to ask my team. I always feel equipped to facilitate those meetings because the manager’s version of Immersion really sets me up for success with our Team Members. I’m always pleasantly surprised at how many of them actually understand the material and implement the work. On the rare occasion that a person either isn’t doing the work, or isn’t grasping it – I can tell – and I’m able to ensure it is clicking for them, and help them implement the Immersion tools and tactics.”
– John Mann, Branch Manager
“Having someone like Dave Kahle on my side is invaluable.”
– Brian Balasko, Vice President of Sales, Modern Builders Supply
The Immersion Program is authored by the world’s most widely recognized authority on sales: Dave Kahle. Dave has written 13 books which have been translated into 8 languages and are available in over 20 countries. He has appeared in front of the conferences of 89 national associations, and personally worked with over 429 individual companies. He’s touched literally thousands of companies and tens of thousands of B2B sales people through his seminars and webinars.
In his first career as a sales person, Dave Kahle was the number one sales person in the nation for two different companies, in two distinct selling situations. That led to his second career as a sales authority.
As a sales authority, Dave has written 13 books, which have been translated into eight languages and available in 20 countries, and presented over 1,000 times in 47 states and 11 countries. He’s trained literally tens of thousands of sales people to sell better, thousands of sales managers to manage better, and has worked personally and contractually with over 459 companies.